

What is the 科林高等教育中心?
The 科林高等教育中心 (CHEC) is a partnership among three universities 和bet9备用登录地址.  The partner universities include Texas A&M University-Commerce, University of North Texas, and The University of Texas at Dallas. 课程主要 to baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees are offered by the partner universities at CHEC - located near the northeast corner of State 高速公路 121 and U.S. 高速公路 麦金尼75号中央高速公路.


What programs and degrees are offered at the CHEC? 
A complete list of degrees and contacts can be found 在这里.


First, review the list of degrees offered at CHEC and find the one that is of interest 给你.  For a bachelor’s degree, you must complete the freshman and sophomore-level course work that meets the requirements for the bachelor’s degree 选择的. 大一新生 and sophomore courses are not available at CHEC, but are taught at 科林大学 校园. 一次 freshman and sophomore courses are complete, students must apply for admission at their respective 大学.  The remaining junior and senior-level courses may be taken at CHEC to complete a baccalaureate degree. 如果你想学的话 to differentiate freshmen and sophomore courses 点击这里

If you hold a bachelor's degree and are interested in pursuing a graduate degree at CHEC, you must apply to the graduate school of the 大学 offering the degree 选择的. Refer to 大学 graduate admission requirements and contact a program advisor for information specific to any graduate program. 


How do I know  which courses will transfer to a partner 大学?
The 学术合作关系 department (suite 120) at the CHEC, 科林大学’s Academic Advising Offices, and the CHEC website have copies of the transfer degree plans (2+2 guides) for most of the bachelor’s degree programs offered at CHEC. 你亦可浏览 以下链接  . 一次 you have applied for admission to 你所在的大学 as a transfer student, your 大学 will review your official transcripts and you will receive an official evaluation of your coursework. You would then work with a 大学 partner advisor to align your evaluated course work in给你r degree plan.  合作伙伴的代表 in the 学术合作关系 department at the CHEC can also meet with you to discuss your academic options and help you interpret transfer guides to determine how your courses may transfer to any of the partner universities. 最好是打电话或发邮件 the representatives to make an appointment. 

Can I take courses offered at CHEC 和bet9备用登录地址 courses at the same time?
You may be able to do so if you have been admitted to the degree program at your respective 大学. Check with the 大学 regarding concurrent enrollment policies. If you have financial aid, ask the 大学 if they can initiate a 联合体协议 与科林.


Academic advisors are very important to help you plan for degree completion. 一次 you have selected a degree offered at CHEC, you should seek advising from the 大学 提供学位. 

Contact information for each degree offered at CHEC can be found 在这里. 

Students will follow all 大学 policies and procedures, including admission criteria 以及学费和收费标准. Financial Aid is available to those who qualify.


一次 you are admitted to 你所在的大学, you may register for classes by following the 大学’s procedures for online registration.  有电脑可用 in the CHEC Student Services Center to access online 大学 registration websites. For transfer websites from universities 点击这里

Yes, students can take advantage of online and video conference classes as well as 面对面的类.


W在这里 do I get my books for 大学 courses offered at CHEC? 
Textbooks can be ordered online and delivered 给你r home address through online 大学书店. Contact your 大学 representative for more information.


Please use the computers and printer inside Suite 120 to print, copy or scan documents. 这项服务不收费. For assistance, please see the staff at the Academic Partnerships desk or the Information Desk.


Does CHEC provide learning accommodations?
Yes, CHEC has processes and equipment to accommodate students with special needs. Please contact your 大学 representative for additional information.


When you complete the requirements for your degree, you will receive a diploma from 你所在的大学. Contact your 大学 representative for more information.

Are 科林大学 students the only students who can take 在CHEC上课?

Do I have to pursue the degree program offered to enroll in a course at CHEC?
No. Any student registered for classes at the offering 大学 can register for 在CHEC上课.


What if my degree of interest is not on the list of degree programs?
Only those degrees listed on the CHEC website are being offered at CHEC. 然而, additional degrees may be added in the future.


请参阅 CHEC 联系人页面.

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