
The Hazlewood Act


黑兹伍德法案是德克萨斯州为提供教育而制定的学费豁免法案 荣誉退伍或分离的德州退伍军人和符合条件的家属的福利 children and spouses of Texas veterans. While veterans and dependents using VA federal 教育福利可以同时使用Hazlewood,如果低于100%,则使用第33章; the value of the two combined cannot exceed the student's tuition and fees.



Hazlewood Act Eligibility Requirements 



  • Texas residents at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, or Designated Texas as their Home of Record, or
  • Entered the service in Texas
  • 曾因军离光荣退伍或因军离光荣退伍 conditions
  • Are not in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas
  • Reside in Texas during term of enrollment
  • 联邦退伍军人法案®福利资格证书(COE) -退伍军人需要 who served after September 11, 2001.
  • 在他们申请的每一个学期,他们都取得了令人满意的学业进步 (SAP) per the institution's financial aid policy. Specifically, this means that the dependent must: maintain a financial aid GPA of at least a 2.0 (Financial Aid GPA 包括发展课程的成绩)SAP在每学期结束时进行.
    Note: 第33章和31章符合黑兹尔伍德资格的退伍军人可以使用黑兹尔伍德“堆叠” 除了33/31的福利之外,还可以支付剩余的学费和费用 by Chapter 33/31 benefits. Students eligible for CH 31 may not use Hazlewood unless they are taking CE classes that are not covered by VA

Collin College Veterans Hazlewood Checklist

Children & Spouses of Unemployable Veterans:

Children & Spouses of Veterans who are 100% disabled for reasons of employability.

  • Are the child or spouse of a veteran who was either:
  • A Texas resident at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, or
      • Designated Texas as their Home of Record, or
      • Entered the service in Texas, and
      • 光荣退伍或光荣退伍 条件,并被退伍军人管理局评为100%残疾的原因就业


The child or spouse:

  • Must be a resident of Texas as of the term or semester in which they enroll
  • 必须不拖欠学生贷款或担保由得克萨斯州
  • 在他们申请的每一个学期,他们都取得了令人满意的学业进步 (SAP) per the institution's financial aid policy. Specifically, this means that the dependent must: maintain a financial aid GPA of at least a 2.0 (Financial Aid GPA 包括发展课程的成绩)SAP在每学期结束时进行.
    Note: 第33章有资格使用黑兹尔伍德的家属可以使用黑兹尔伍德来“堆叠” 除了他们的33项福利外,还要支付剩余的学费和费用 by Chapter 33 benefits.The benefit may not be used for correspondence courses unless the courses are part of the student's degree plan.


Collin College Children & Spouse Unemployable Veterans Checklist

Children & Spouses of Deceased Veterans:

Children & Spouses of Veterans who are MIA, KIA, or died of a service-related illness or injury.

  • Are the child or spouse of a veteran who was either:
  • A Texas resident at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces, or     
                   - Designated Texas as their Home of Record, or     
                   - Entered the service in Texas, and
  • 光荣退伍或光荣退伍 conditions, and
  • Was a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, Texas National Guard, or Texas Air National 在行动中阵亡(KIA),在行动中失踪(MIA),在服役中死亡或 谁的死亡被证明是直接由于与之相关的伤害或疾病造成的 service in the armed forces.

    The child or spouse:
  • Must be a resident of Texas as of the term or semester in which they enroll
  • 必须不拖欠学生贷款或担保由得克萨斯州
  • Must enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support

Collin College Children & Spouse Deceased Veterans Checklist

Legacy Benefits (Transferred Benefits) Eligibility:

符合条件的退伍军人可以将未使用的豁免时间分配给以下儿童 certain conditions.


To be eligible, the child must:

  • Be a Texas resident
  • 是亲生子女,继子女,收养子女,或被声称是赡养子女 current or previous tax year
  • 在豁免的学期或学期的第一天年满25岁或以下 是索赔(除非批准延期,由于合格的疾病或衰弱 condition) and
  • 在他们申请的每一个学期,他们都取得了令人满意的学业进步 (SAP) per the institution's financial aid policy. Specifically, this means that the dependent must: maintain a financial aid GPA of at least a 2.0 (Financial Aid GPA 包括发展课程的成绩)SAP在每学期结束时进行.
    将福利转移给符合条件的家属的退伍军人必须在德克萨斯州居住 the semester or term for which the exemption is claimed.


如果一个被分配了时间的孩子没有使用所有分配的时间, 退伍军人可以将未使用的工作时间重新分配给另一个受抚养的子女.


Only 1 person may use benefits at a time. All parties only have 150 hours between them, not each.

Veteran's spouses are not eligible to receive a transfer of unused hours.

Collin College Legacy Checklist


First Time using Hazlewood at Collin College Application Process

Veterans Initial Application Steps:

Step 1: Fill out: Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application - Initial

  • Veterans applying for the exemption for their own use:   
    • The Term and Year must be filled in
  • Sections labeled, "I am applying as:" and, "I am:" must be filled in
    • Parts A, C and D; all spaces must be completed
  • Form must be signed and dated in ink.


  • 学生必须在提交申请时注册,因为 我们得计算一下黑兹伍德的学费减免会占多少比例 pay for.


Step 2: Provide the following supporting documentation:

  • Provide a copy of the veteran's DD-214 (Member 4 copy.)
  • 提交一份来自退伍军人事务部的资格证明,证明联邦学费的价值 and fees benefits if served after September 11, 2001.
  • 男性-如果你还没有填写FAFSA,请填写以下选择性 Services Statement

    Step 3: Hazlewood Online Database Registration:

  • 退伍军人必须在黑兹尔伍德在线数据库注册才能使用黑兹尔伍德豁免. 此外,每年至少一次,所有黑兹伍德奖获得者必须提供一份副本 使用的黑兹尔伍德小时数,可以通过学生的黑兹尔伍德获得 account.

    To register or log into your account, by visiting: http://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/

    Step 4: Email all documents to the VRC@charleighoffice.net for processing or visit one the Veteran Resource Centers on campus.

重要提示:请在每学期Hazlewood发布后与出纳办公室核实 to pay the student services fee.
If you do not pay this fee, you could be dropped for non-payment.

Dependents & Spouses with their own benefits Initial Application Steps:

Step 1: Fill out Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application - Initial 

  • The Term & Year must be filled in
  • 在A部分,标有“我申请”和“我是”的部分必须填写 除了退伍军人的身份证号码和地址,电话和电子邮件如果退伍军人 is deceased), B, C and D; all spaces must be completed
  • Form must be signed and dated in ink (does NOT need veteran's signature)

    Step 2: Provide the following supporting documentation:

  • Provide a copy of the veteran's DD-214 (Member 4 copy.)

  • If the veteran died while in service: Report of Casualty, Form DD 1300

  • 如果退伍军人已经死亡(与服役无关):死亡证明(遗赠) transfer by legal guardian)

  • 如果退伍军人完全残疾或因就业原因被评为100%残疾: 你必须有退伍军人事务部出具的残疾评级信(1年内) that rating

  • 如果你不是退伍军人,你必须提供关系文件:提交其中之一 结婚证(配偶),出生证明,领养文件或最近的 tax return transcript showing dependent status (for children).
    男性-如果你还没有填写FAFSA,请填写以下选择性 Services Statement

Step 3: Hazlewood Online Database Registration:

  • 所有申请人必须在Hazlewood在线数据库中注册才能使用Hazlewood exemption. In addition, at least once each year, all Hazlewood recipients must provide 使用的黑兹尔伍德小时的副本,可以通过学生的黑兹尔伍德获得 account.

To register or log into your account, by visiting: http://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/

Step 4: Email all documents to the VRC@charleighoffice.net for processing or visit one the Veteran Resource Centers on campus.
重要提示:请在每学期Hazlewood发布后与出纳办公室核实 to pay the student services fee. 
If you do not pay this fee, you could be dropped for non-payment.

Legacy (Transferred Benefits) Initial Application Steps:

Step 1:  Fill out Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption Application - Initial


  • The Term & Year must be filled in
  • 在A部分,标有“我申请”和“我是”的部分必须填写 除了退伍军人的身份证号码和地址,电话和电子邮件如果退伍军人 is deceased), B, C, D and E all spaces must be completed
  • Form must be signed and dated by both student and veteran in ink.

    Step 2: Provide the following supporting documentation:

  • Provide a copy of the veteran's DD-214 (Member 4 copy.)
  • 如果你必须提供关系证明:提交出生证明, adoption paperwork or a recent tax return transcript showing dependent status.
  • 退伍军人必须在豁免期内居住在德克萨斯州 在将福利转移给符合条件的子女的情况下(遗产).
  • 男性-如果你还没有填写FAFSA,请填写以下选择性 Services Statement

    Step 3: Hazlewood Online Database Registration:

所有申请人必须在Hazlewood在线数据库中注册才能使用Hazlewood exemption. In addition, at least once each year, all Hazlewood recipients must provide 使用的黑兹尔伍德小时的副本,可以通过学生的黑兹尔伍德获得 account.

To register or log into your account, by visiting: http://hazlewood.tvc.texas.gov/students/


Step 4: Email all documents to the VRC@charleighoffice.net for processing or visit one the Veteran Resource Centers on campus.


重要提示:请在每学期Hazlewood发布后与出纳办公室核实 to pay the student services fee.
If you do not pay this fee, you could be dropped for non-payment.


Hazlewood Renewal Application Process

Renewal Application Steps:

A Renewal Application needs to be completed each semester:  


所有学生必须每学期申请黑兹尔伍德,他们打算使用学费 exemption.


Step 1: Complete the renewal application,

Step 2: Obtain a copy of the Hazlewood Hours from the TVC Online Database.

Step 3: Email to the VRC@charleighoffice.net for processing or visit one the Veteran Resource Centers on campus.

重要提示:请在每学期Hazlewood发布后与出纳办公室核实 to pay the student services fee. If you do not pay this fee, you could be dropped for non-payment.


bet9备用登录地址SAP的注意事项:请注意,在随后的每个学期,您的豁免可能是 posted prior
to SAP running for that semester. If, upon the SAP program running, you are NOT meeting SAP要求,豁免将从您的帐户中删除,您将 be responsible for paying your tuition and fees out-of-pocket.



Hazlewood Award Amount:

符合条件的退伍军人、他们的子女和配偶可以免交这笔钱 学费、会费和杂费,不包括押金、学生服务费和其他费用 书本费、住宿费、伙食费、服装费,最多150个学期学分 hours.  


go to: http://www.tvc.texas.gov/education/hazlewood/



GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关VA提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问官方网站 U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.